OfTheBook literary journal publishes fiction, non-fiction, and poetry from new and established Jewish voices.
Submission Guidelines
OfTheBook journal seeks to publish the best and most compelling prose, poetry, and literary translations by Jewish writers from around the world.
All submissions must be original and not previously published in print or online, except in exceptional circumstances.
Fiction submissions should be a maximum of 5,000 words.
Non-fiction submissions should be a maximum of 10,000 words. OfTheBook does not publish reprints, except by invitation, but we accept simultaneous submissions and translations.
Poetry submissions may include up to 10 pages of poetry, with one poem per page. For longer poetry submissions, please query first.
Send your submissions to ofthebookpress@gmail.com with the following in the subject line: Submission: [fiction/non-fiction/prose] – [author’s name] – [title of the piece]. Work should be in an attached Word file, in Times New Roman 12pt. Please include the title, author’s name, and a bio of under 70 words at the top of the first page.
We aim to read each submission within 2 weeks, and will reply to acknowledge receipt.
All contributions accepted for publication will be subject to editing in collaboration with the author.
On publication, copyright reverts to the authors. We ask that re-publication elsewhere be accompanied by acknowledgement of first publication in OfTheBook.
Please note that at this stage, OfTheBook is not able to pay for contributions. However, this will change in the future, with profits from book sales.