On this Tisha B’Av, I thought of my wife-in-law

in Israel. My husband and his ex

are both Americans, working together

online to secure their grandson

a U.S. passport. Just in case.

Her parents survived Auschwitz.


Tisha B’Av, the saddest, unluckiest day

of the Jewish year, multiple anniversary

of destruction, of the First and Second

Temples, and expulsion, from Spain,

the start of the First World War

and in the Second, the first killings

at Treblinka–another perfect occasion

for the launch of an all-out attack.


Already, high-tech stars are looking 

for safer places for their young families, 

as are the best mathematicians. 

Our grandson, 13, is a whiz at math.

I am not, but asked the Creator of All

Numbers, including zero, to ensure

that this year’s holiday add up

to no more than the usual 

full day of fasting and lamentation.


Prayer answered for now.




Catherine Gonick has published poetry in Of the Book, Notre Dame Review, Beltway Poetry Quarterly, and many other literary journals. She was a winner of the Ina Coolbrith Prize for Poetry and a finalist in the Louisville Actors’ Theatre 10-Minute Play Contest. She works in a business that seeks to slow the rate of global warming.

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